Wednesday, 1 February 2012

This Saturday - 16mm direct film loop workshop at Leeds Art Gallery

Jo's been busy running film workshops for Artforms, and this Saturday she will be running a 16mm direct film workshop at Leeds Art Gallery as part of SatArtDay.

Taking as a starting point the large scale, abstract paintings of Northern Art Prize nominee James Hugonin, participants will be invited to create film loops using similar compositional techniques.

Binary Rhythm I by James Hugonin (image from
This accessible introduction to structural-material film practice is suitable for all ages and abilities, and is FREE and open access.

You'll be able to project your film loop in the gallery and take it home with you afterwards.

The workshop will take place in Artspace at Leeds Art Gallery, alongside art workshops run by the Education team, and by artist Robert Sharples, who will be staging a interactive and performative workshop in the Henry Moore Lecture Theatre.  All workshops will run 10am-3pm.

Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. It would be great workshop for the immature film makers who want to excel their careers in film making. I would like to get registered for it.
